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Sleep well to reduce hair loss

Nov 13,2023

Lack of sleep can affect hair loss

Multiple perspectives on the impact of sleep on hair loss

From the point of view of Chinese medicine: lack of sleep will affect the health of the five organs. "On the Six Sections of the Buddha" says: "Kidney... It's brilliant." The rise and fall of the kidney can be reflected in the color and density of the hair. As a result, when kidney function is impaired, insufficient nutrients are provided to the hair, leading to hair loss.

From the perspective of Western medicine: long-term lack of sleep will cause endocrine disorders, causing excessive secretion of sebaceous glands or changes in the nature of sebaceous glands, forming seborrheic alopecia.

You wake up one morning to find a couple of fallen hairs on your pillow. Don't worry, it's not necessarily "hair loss," it could just be hair loss. The total number of human hair is more than 100,000, and it is normal to naturally lose 50-100 hair per day.

How can I tell if I'm losing or losing my hair?

Keep an active watch for a while to see if you have new hair. If the new hair grows a lot, and more and more small hair breaks, it means that this is normal "hair loss". Only when the length of the loss is less, or even only when the loss is not long, this is the true "hair loss".

12 Five "Hair loss prevention" tips, please take good ~

Go to sleep by 11 p.m

Find ways to help you fall asleep. Soak your feet before bed, light aromatherapy, read a boring book, listen to soft music, and change a soft pillow. Fall asleep before 11pm to catch up with the time point of "nourishing the liver and kidney".

Exercise release pressure

When you are stressed, you like to scratch your head and scratch your hair. Is this you? Relax yourself who is always "tight" and do more outdoor sports to release pressure.

Reduce hair color and perms

If you burn your hair, it will become frizzy like hay. It is recommended to dye your hair no more than three times a year.

Take "appropriate" nutrients.

The use of hair conditioner, hair mask, and essential oil products can fill the gap of hair scales, smooth out frizz, create a layer of lubricating protective film on the hair surface, and reduce friction between hair. In this way, you can effectively reduce the occurrence of hair loss when you brush your hair.

Protecting fragile hair starts with getting a good night's sleep.