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Sleeping position is important

Nov 13,2023

It is said that sleeping in this position can affect your appearance

We all know that sleep is important! Sleep well at night, the next day will be energetic, do twice the result. If the quality of sleep is poor, it is easy to feel sluggish and listless. While sleeping position is invisible, affecting the quality of sleep, have you ever observed your usual sleeping position? According to the survey, 60% of people are used to sleeping on their back, 35% are used to sleeping on their side, and 5% of people often lie on their stomach. Today's well-off to take stock of the impact of common sleeping positions on sleep!

The effect of sleeping position on sleep

When sleeping, try to keep the head and neck in the natural elevation position, lie flat on the waist and back, bend the knees and hips slightly, which can well maintain the natural curvature of the cervical spine, so most people use the supine sleeping position to maximize the relaxation of the spine pressure. This is also the most suitable sleeping position for patients with cervical spondylosis, because the cervical vertebra, thoracic vertebra, lumbar vertebra, and tail vertebra have a certain curvature, and when lying on the back, it conforms to the physiological curvature, which helps to alleviate the pain of the cervical vertebra. But the following two types of people are not suitable for supine sleeping:

Too fat people

Obesity can lead to snoring, often snoring people should not sleep supine, because when sleeping, due to the face up to the root of the tongue fall easy to cause snoring or choking, it is not conducive to the operation of lung qi and blood, thus affecting the function of the lung, but also easy to cause apnea, so suitable for lying on the side.

Pregnant woman

Due to the enlargement of the uterus after 20 weeks of pregnancy, the heavy uterus when lying on the back can compress the auxiliary aorta of the spine, so that the blood flow in the uterine artery is slowed down, which is easy to make the fetus hypoxia and ischemia. Due to the physiological rotation of the right side of the uterus during pregnancy, the best sleeping position for pregnant women should be the left side.

What do you need to pay attention to when sleeping on your side?

Sleeping on the side is a healthy position recognized by most people, which will make people have a stable sense of sleep, and is conducive to the normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract, which can promote digestion. The left side is the best sleeping position for pregnant women, which can meet the requirements of fetal growth and development and maintain the normal blood circulation of the pregnant woman's heart.

But for the average person, staying in the same sleeping position all night, long-term, easy to make scoliosis. Therefore, when lying on the side, it is best to bend the legs slightly and relax the whole body easily, which is conducive to relieving fatigue. And put a small pillow between your knees to make sure your pelvis doesn't rotate and your spine stays in line. Attention! Don't sleep on your arms! Staying in this position all night will directly cause compression injury to the radial nerve in the upper arm, resulting in paralysis of the forearm, wrist, and fingers.

Tummy lying is not advisable!

Prone to pressure the heart and lungs and other organs, pillows may also block the respiratory tract, the most easy to have nightmares. Lying prone for a long time may affect the operation of Qi and blood throughout the body, resulting in heart discomfort, breathing difficulties, etc., so this sleeping position should be avoided at ordinary times. Moreover, this position makes it difficult to keep the spine in a central position, which will put pressure on the joints and muscles, stimulate the nerves, and over time, the lower back will produce a painful, numb feeling. When lying on the stomach, the neck twists to the side and the head is tilted to one side, it is easy to cause neck muscle damage, easy drooling, and the next day may be stiff.