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Poor sleep can lead to obesity

Nov 13,2023

Sleep deprivation is "outrageous'

About obesity

Every worker has a moment of reflection after stepping on the scale: "Why am I gaining weight again?" ! "

I thought about a lot of reasons, and I was getting fat every day at work: eating more, moving less, all kinds of "stress fat", "overwork fat" and "sad fat".

Among these, there is another "fat" that is often overlooked by us and that is the "fat" caused by lack of sleep, let's call it "sleep lack fat".

The negative emotions you feel your body will comfort you with "getting fat.

Life anxiety

Why do we have "stress fat", "overwork fat", "sad fat"?

In fact, the bad mood caused by work stress and anxiety stimulates the release of the stress hormone cortisol in our bodies, and the "hunger" hormone ghrelin, which stimulates appetite and promotes the absorption of fat and sugar.

So when we have negative emotions, we will instinctively want to eat, especially high-calorie high-carbon food

Eat more, the pressure is relieved, but the body naturally round.

If you don't get enough sleep, the body's response is more complicated.

Sleep deprivation

The causes of stress and obesity, overwork and obesity are similar, long-term irregular sleep or insufficient sleep, the body will enter a state of stress, resulting in endocrine disorders, leptin secretion decreased, ghrelin secretion increased. (Leptin prevents fat accumulation and reduces weight, while ghrelin, a hormone produced in the stomach that regulates appetite, eating and body composition, circulates through the bloodstream to the brain and makes people feel hungry.)

The specific performance is: we always want to order a barbecue or hamburger when we go to bed late, but we do not have such a strong appetite when we go to bed early.

Lack of sleep will not only make our body automatically reduce leptin secretion, increase fat accumulation, but also make us can not help but eat more.

8 hours of deep sleep and no "sleep deprivation"

①Keep the mood of joy, improve the quality of sleep, ensure sufficient sleep, can let the body return to a healthy state, reduce the probability of becoming fat.

②To enter high-quality deep and high sleep, we can start with a good deep sleep that suits us