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Healthy sleep concept

Nov 13,2023

Modern people sleep less

In fact, modern Chinese people's sleep time has been drastically shortened. China Sleep Research Report 2023. In 2022, the average sleep time of Chinese people is 7.40 hours, the actual sleep time is less than 6 hours, the sleep time is 1.5 hours less than 10 years ago, and the sleep time is more than two hours later. More than 300 million people suffer from sleep disorders, which means that one in five people suffer from insomnia.

The reasons for sleeping long are the same, but the reasons for sleeping short are very different. Young people roughly divide the reasons for staying up late into two kinds: active and passive. Staying up late refers to delaying the rest time for work/school/entertainment and other matters, and even some people don't want to go to bed because of "procrastination attacks" and "don't want to end the day". Passive staying up late means that people have the heart to fall asleep, but can not fall asleep. Bed is too hard, back pain, excessive exercise, people around bad sleep, upset...... Could be the reason why people toss and turn and have trouble sleeping.

Sleep well

Sleep is a repair process of the human body, whether it is active to stay up late or passive insomnia, as long as the sleep time is not more than 6 hours, it will disturb the body's biological clock, reduce the body's immunity, and it is easy to get infected when it encounters viruses and bacteria. In addition, staying up late can also damage the brain, liver and kidney to increase the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and so on. This shows how important it is to get enough sleep.

With the care of people's health, adhere to the "full 118 healthy sleep concept, that is, sleep at 11 o 'clock, sleep enough for 8 hours to develop early sleeping habits, and strive to live to 118 years old."

Use the deep sleeping space

However, if you want to ensure the quality of sleep, it is far from enough to rely on self-awareness. In addition to consciously resisting the temptation of mobile phones and games before going to bed and soaking your feet, comfortable bedding and atmosphere are also indispensable and important factors.

If you want to get a good night's sleep, choose a mattress that is ergonomically fit, so that you can not only maintain a healthy body shape but also sleep well.

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